Spark CMS - Release Notes

This Spark CMS release includes fixes and enhancements for all Spark CMS web applications. Should you have any questions on the release, please contact your Account Manager or email

Version 4.1.23870


  • Search now includes record count at the top of the page as well as the bottom.
  • Single Sign-On - Allow cms administrators to hide login panel for client facing sites with SSO enabled.
  • Client IP detection for Cloudflare based websites.
  • Workflow Updates
    • Ability for cms administrators to specify comments.
    • Rejected workflow changes can be retained as a draft version of the page.
    • Updates to difference comparison view for page content.
  • JAWS/Accessibility Enhancements for Web Forms
    • Ability for cms administrators to control input placeholders for questions.
    • Required field updates for screen readers.


  • Resolved: Issue with audit log optimisation timeouts.
  • Resolved: Issue relating to location pickers returning a negative amount / location that doesn't exist.
  • Resolved: Issue with events calendar embed adding search ignore to content pages.
  • Resolved: Issue with breadcrumbs control generating landing page links when not enabled at item level.
  • Resolved: Issue with related item generating exception in certain circumstances.
  • Resolved: Issue with alerts module not loading selected template from workflow.
  • Resolved: Issue with XmlFormResponse template containing duplicate nodes for web forms api response.
  • Resolved: Issue with site search indexing for locked website.

Version 4.1.23614


  • Profile IP Lockdown - Lockdown by Folder.
  • Featured Image Banner - Ability to add class to body if image tag is set.


  • Resolved: Issue with certain road report items having empty mapping data.
  • Resolved: MailChimp changed response for email sign-ups. Updated success/failure check.
  • Resolved: Issue with restricted content areas permission checks.
  • Updated: Allow cms administrators to edit the run time of internal staff importer.

Version 4.1.23477


  • Registers Module - Tender Register Add on.
  • Web Forms - Location Picker - Google Place API - Predictive Address Search


  • Resolved: Issue with news module paging issue with custom content insert.
  • Resolved: Issue with large cms attachments potentially being locked when saving version of content (Council Meetings, Media Libraries, Public Notices, Facilities).
  • Resolved: Issue exporting contacts from messaging module.
  • Resolved: Issue with web forms api processor and empty attachments list.
  • Resolved: Issue with attachments being accessible to website users that aren't logged in for Mapping module.
  • Resolved: Issue with some headers being applied to returned server response.
  • Resolved: Issue exporting responses from web forms module.
  • Resolved: Issue applying schema updates to search indexes.
  • Resolved: Suppress warning from NAB Payment plugin processor when enabled but not configured.
  • Resolved: Suppress warning from new document category creation redirect.
  • Resolved: Suppress warning from new admin user creation redirect.
  • Resolved: Handle and supress error from non-numeric conversion for content ids.
  • Resolved: Conflict between bullet lists in web form description and wizard form layout in web forms landing page.

Version 4.1.23075


  • Performance Tuning Changes
  • Security Enhancements
  • Web Forms - Signature Question Enhancements
  • Council Meetings
    • Content Insert Filter by Meeting Type
    • Content Insert Filter by Current Year
  • Directory Module - CAPTCHA Configuration
  • Search Engine
    • Automatic Clearing of Stale/Duplicate Documents
    • Index Tuning
    • Ability to Schedule Automatic Website Re-Index
  • Web Forms - Ability to duplicate a question.
  • Ability to delete content versions (including attachments)


  • Resolved: Issue with multiple booking for Facility Items.
  • Resolved: eWay Logging Error
  • Resolved: Issue with extended filename lengths for attachments (Council Meetings, Media Libraries, Public Notices, Facilities)
  • Resolved: Issue with extended filename lengths for export module.
  • Resolved: Web Forms confirmation page not rendering CMS Controls
  • Resolved: Media Libraries - Front-end submissions generates error.
  • Resolved: Admin Logins - Issue with removing an existing website from an admin login.
  • Resolved: Web Forms - Issue with multiple web form questions having the same question reference.
  • Resolved: Alerts - Deleting an alert, doesn't reset the alert cache.
  • Resolved: Fire Ratings - Update issue relating to name of fire rating.
  • Resolved: Robots.txt being included in lockdown restrictions.
  • Resolved: Facilities / Web Forms - Not navigating the first incorrect answer in form validation.
  • Resolved: Media Libraries - Module Comments not saving.
  • Resolved: News: Custom paging issues.
  • Resolved: Media Libraries - Duplication of items in feed control.
  • Resolved: Messaging Module - Issue with export of contacts.
  • Resolved: Events Calendar - Linked Events not Displaying Correctly.
  • Resolved: Short URLs - Consultations / Tenders modules generate error.
  • Resolved: Short URLs - Dealing with an item that is already deleted from the external system.
  • Resolved: Website Accounts - Unable to disable 2FA once it has been enabled.
  • Resolved: Administration section redirect error.
  • Resolved: Issue where logins can reference a permission group that no longer exists.

Version 4.1.22472


  • Content Area Lockdown
  • Content Review - Extend to Page Permission Groups / Document Centre Categories


  • New Search Setting - Respect Robots.txt
  • Web Forms - New Question Type (Signature)
  • Updates to 3rd Party Packages


  • Resolved: Stack Overflow Errors relating to Tagged Events
  • Resolved: Unclosed Tag for Events Calendar Landing Page
  • Resolved: Stack Overflow Errors relating to Account HR Landing Page
  • Resolved: Login Prompt when Viewing Files uploaded via Forms module
  • Resolved: Missing Web API Documentation
  • Resolved: BookEasy - Exclude Booking Gadget Script Include
  • Resolved: Resource Booking Form Load Error
  • Resolved: Search Engine Indexing Admin Page Error
  • Resolved: Events Calendar Admin Section Spacing Adjustments
  • Resolved: Content Sharing Error when more than 4 websites

Version 4.1.22214


  • Nil


  • Road Reports
    • Ability to set Categories for Report Items with URL Filter
    • Ability to Report on Individual Vehicle Types
  • Various Performance Enhancements
  • Ability to set HTTP Compression controls
  • Content Manager - Ability to control Document Version Retrieval
  • Employment - Add in Placeholder for Application Personalistion in Auto-Responder Email


  • Resolved: Web Form Question Display can be converted to Incorrect Question Type.
  • Resolved: A-Z Module Duplicated Public Notice Items.
  • Resolved: Web Form Clean-Up Schedule Fails if forms directory doesn't exist. 
  • Resolved: Search Scheduler Errors if URL isn't accessible.
  • Resolved: Breadcrumbs control duplicates items when URL isn't matched.
  • Resolved: Update Mapping Controller Filter Expression.
  • Resolved: Issues with Rebrandly Processor.
  • Resolved: ToLower conversion of URLs for URL Redirect Type.

Version 4.1.21937


  • eCommerce Catalogue - Allow administrators to configure Australia Post Shipping Integration.
  • Events Calendar - Locations are now fully editable in the CMS with the ability to filter them on the main events page.
  • Events Calendar - Venues are now fully editable in the CMS with the ability to filter them on the main events page.
  • Events Calendar - Audience defaults can be disabled, meaning new events won't be assigned the default.
  • Events Calendar - Event Type defaults can be disabled, meaning new events won't be assigned the default.


  • Web Forms - File Upload Security Enhancements
    • Validation of file extensions and MIME type of uploaded files.
    • Restrict file size and the number of files that can be uploaded.
    • Removal of default filenames of uploaded files.
  • Tenders - Allow administrators ability to advertise tender awarded information as well as meta data setup.
  • Employment - Make Publish-To field optional allowing employment items to be advertised indefinitely.


  • Resolved: Address question type placeholder values now match assigned labels in Web Forms.
  • Resolved: Directory items are removed from search after delete.
  • Resolved: Previous/Current Meeting Cut-Off not matching up. Add setting to control cut-off period.
  • Resolved: Event Management not configured for Redis caching.
  • Resolved: Event Management Direct Deposit switch not working
  • Resolved: Yes/No with Textbox Option validation issue in Web Forms.
  • Resolved: Yes/No with Textbox Option label issue in Web Forms.
  • Resolved: CMS Templates - Delete Cascade Removal.
  • Resolved: Add AutoComplete attribute for password login fields.

Version 4.1.21599


  • Registers: Add submit functionality to front-end of website for election register items via website front-end.


  • Events Calendar - Setup of the CAPTCHA control on the events submit page.
  • Registers: Website user email settings.
  • Registers: Admin UI Updates.


  • Resolved: Notifiable Register - Submit via Website form.

Version 4.1.21507


  • Web Forms - Ability to post web forms responses to an external API endpoint.


  • Council Meetings - Additional content type filter added.
  • Web Forms - Ability to include forms in website search results.
  • Web Forms - Form responses are now exported as XLSX by default.
  • Short URLs - Remove 6 characters slug length.
  • Upgrade Instagram feed to latest version.


  • Resolved: Related item generate error after preview of CMS Entity.
  • Resolved: Short URL Processing service clears out plugin settings when report fails.
  • Resolved: Linked / copied meetings generate error for DocAssembler meeting items.
  • Resolved: DocAssembler import changes.
  • Resolved: Events Calendar hide tags section on front end if no items.
  • Resolved: Events Calendar add in legacy URLs for module.

Version 4.1.21442


  • Web Forms - Calculator Add-On


  • Council Meetings - Allow users to perform a search within the council meetings module filtering on a range of meeting properties.
  • Web Forms - Administrators can now add a helpful hint to web form questions in the form of a tooltip.
  • Web Forms - Administrators can choose pre-defined regular expressions for currency and decimal value inputs.


  • Resolved: Related item generate error after preview of CMS Entity.
  • Resolved: Short URL Processing service clears out plugin settings when report fails.
  • Resolved: Linked / copied meetings generate error for DocAssembler meeting items.
  • Resolved: DocAssembler import changes.
  • Resolved: Events Calendar hide tags section on front end if no items.
  • Resolved: Events Calendar add in legacy URLs for module.

Version 4.1.21243


  • Resolved: Council Meetings DocAssembler upgrade issues.

Version 4.1.21054


  • Council Meetings - DocAssembler Integration.


  • Council Meetings - Ability to set publish from / to for meeting items.
  • Various Package Upgrades


  • Resolved: eCommerce items ordering in wrong direction.
  • Resolved: Template Manager filename comparison based on text case.
  • Resolved: Road Reports incorrect check for display of region data.
  • Resolved: Workflow delete not working for specific Page Centre Permission Groups and Document Centre Categories.
  • Resolved: Council Meeting secure documents being cleared out in certain scenarios.

Version 4.1.20522


  • Addition of polls, surveys, project timelines and comments to base Consultations module.
  • Addition of scheduled reminders (listing updates) and MailChimp integration to base Directory module.
  • Addition of featured banner images to base Employment module.
  • Council Meetings integration with YouTube.
  • Addition of featured banner images to Catalogue module.
  • Plugin updates for Moment JS and jQuery UI.
  • Added ability to exclude content from search (Public Notices, Council Meetings, Latest News, Events Calendar, Catalogue Items)
  • Implement Open Graph Tags (Employment, Facilities, Image Gallery, Media Libraries)
  • Council Meetings - Added meeting end time along with default meeting run time. (Applies to iCal file downloads as well)
  • Payment Gateways
    • Billing & Payments integration with product catalogue.
    • Integration with Westpac PayWay.
    • Enhanced loggings for payment requests.
  • Search Enhancements
    • Add ability to weight meta description & meta keywords information.
    • Allow ability for manual add of urls to search.
  • Web Forms
    • Default ordering for contact picker.
    • Allow ability for all form responses to be deleted at once.
    • Separate web forms & web form responses.
  • Two-Factor Authentication for account logins.
  • Admin Account Expiry Dates


  • Resolved: IP Addresses not being logged for all login attempts.
  • Resolved: Single Sign On redirect issue with internal searches.
  • Resolved: Facility Booking serialization errors.
  • Resolved: Latest News submissions generating login error.
  • Resolved: Short Urls reporting time was not setup in correct time zone.
  • Resolved: Short Urls modal not clearing previous url details.
  • Resolved: Auto-redirect parameters not working correctly.
  • Resolved: Attachments weren't being deleted when a CMS item is deleted for certain modules.
  • Resolved: Consultations module not displaying embedded content in details screen.
  • Resolved: Login paging error.

Version 4.1.20002


  • Catalogue - Integration with Near Me module.
  • Catalogue - Ability to assign Static Images to catalogue items.
  • Media Library Content Notification support.
  • Employment Content Notification support.
  • Employment - Added category support for employment items.
  • Employment - Ability to assign Static Images to catalogue items.
  • Events Calendar - Related Item support.
  • Admin Security - Expirable Logins
  • Public Notices -  Related Item support.
  • Short Url Integration Options
    • External Integration Providers
      • Bitly
      • Rebrandly
    • Integrates with Page Centre, Latest News, Events, Public Notices, Consultations)
  • Road Report Enhancements
    • Ability to Highlight the Shire Boundary
    • Ability to view Existing Markers/Routes when Creating/Editing Report Items
    • Mass Status & Comment Updates from the Main Screen
    • History of Report Items via Details Page
    • Snapshot Reporting
    • Updated Notifications
  • Vertical Tab support in content editor.


  • Resolved: Issue preventing removal of links from Image Rotator.
  • Resolved: Issue where page location drops out when creating page centre items.
  • Resolved: Staff importer fix for account import.

Version 4.1.19845


  • Account Login Proviers - Automatic login redirect for external login providers.
  • Spark - Performance improving for compiling of websites.


  • Resolved: Issue preventing automatic lockouts after failed attempts.
  • Resolved: Issue preventing deleting of certain catalogue items.
  • Resolved: Wizard step functionality in web forms.
  • Resolved: Adding/Removing of document centre items from website search.

Version 4.1.19722


  • Catalogue Module - Enhancements to base catalogue offering.
  • Document Centre - Allowed the ability for administrators to switch between the old document centre search and the integrated website search.


  • Resolved: Issue preventing the static image banner from being shown when previewing a page.
  • Resolved: Issue preventing old Council Meeting documents from being removed from the website.

Version 4.1.19619


  • Council Meetings - iCal files now automatically included on Content Notification emails (if both options enabled)
  • Facilities - Administrators can send a copy of the booking web form to users including file attachments.
  • Further Search Enhancements and fixes


  • Resolved: Issue relating to consultations and embedded forms.
  • Resolved: Events module issue with Near Me disabled.
  • Resolved: Page centre approval styling differences.
  • Resolved: WCAG issues with menu & sub menu control.
  • Resolved: Incorrect message being displayed when web forms and responses were being saved.
  • Upgraded: TMAPI component upgrade. 
  • Resolved: Resolved issue with TMAPI plugin unable to process delivery requests.
  • Resolved: Paging within admin registers module not functioning correctly.
  • Resolved: Event Management form generation issue.
  • Upgraded: Numerous Component Upgrades.

Version 4.1.18997

Search Engine

The Spark CMS search engine has been replaced with a new enterprise solution. This new solution provides several enhancements, including:

  • Improved resilience when indexing website content
  • Increase in search result accuracy
  • Considerable speed improvements with indexing and searching content


Various WCAG improvements for menu control rendering.


  • Resolved: Incorrect styling when reviewing changes requiring approval in the Page Centre module.
  • Resolved: Consultation module error when Form ID not set correctly.
  • Resolved: Saving an event when Near Me and Mapping enabled causes an error.

Version 4.1.18650

This Spark CMS release includes fixes and enhancements for all Spark CMS web applications. Should you have any questions on the release, please contact your Account Manager or email


  • Page Centre updates

This update enables administrators to embed content areas into page centre content.

  • Fire Rating module

Updates to CSS styling have been made to match the updated fire control.

Spark CMS - New Product Features

New Feature: Council Meetings iCalendar Add-On

The Council Meeting module iCal Add On is one our newest features for Spark CMS users. The new feature enables administrators to generate iCal files for individual meetings. This allows website users to download reminders for upcoming Council Meeting in their personal calendars.

If you’re interested in enabling this feature on your website, please contact your Account Manager or


  • Resolved: Issue affecting Resume downloads.
  • Resolved: Issue affecting the saving of recurring events via Workflow.
  • Updates to Event Management Module implementation.

Version 4.1.18344

This Spark CMS release includes fixes and enhancements for all Spark CMS web applications. Should you have any questions on the release, please contact your Account Manager or email


  • Add or remove URL from sitemap

    Spark users now have the ability to add or remove URLs from the sitemap. As an administrator, you can remove existing URLs from the website, even if they don’t appear in the current sitemap. For reference: Settings > Sitemaps

  • Allow full screen iFrames

    Administrators can enable iFrames to work in Full Screen Mode via the Content editor. 

  • Various WCAG Improvements

    Multiple updates have been implemented to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 Level AA to ensure your service is usable and accessible to people with disabilities.

  • Front-end edits to Intranet Public Notices

    Allows users to make front-end edits to the Public Notices module via their Spark account. This means intranet users can edit a public notice they have published from the front-end, even after publication. If a user has created a public notice item, their Spark CMS account is assigned to that public notice item, enabling them to edit/delete this item at a later date.

  • Set up maps in Events Calendar

    Allows administrators to display the location of the Event on an embedded Google Map iFrame. This functionality will also use the Near Me module if enabled on the website. If not, the map will display  a normal address picker.

  • Invoice overwrite and layout updates in Facilities

    This update provides you with the ability to overwrite invoice email addresses for direct debit payments when booking via the Facilities Module using the Payment Gateway.  

    A number of screen layout changes have also been made to the facility booking report in the admin section.

  • Security upgrade

    The new upgrade on the security module allows for increased restrictions for upload folders, providing more security control for Spark administrators.  

  • Override Catalogue meta titles

    Allows administrators to set a custom Meta Title and Meta Description that is different from the Catalogue item’s name. This allows administrators to change the Meta details to support SEO keywords or campaigns.

  • Page Centre HTML Diff Improvements

    This update will provide improved accessibility for your Page Centre.

    The HTML Diff Feature in the Page Centre is a new feature which allows administrators to compare changes between the changes submitted by an administrator and the current live version of the page.

Spark CMS - New Product Features

Schedule Fire Rating updates

This new feature allows users the set refresh times for the fire rating module throughout the day.  With the data originally being pulled at 6:30am every morning, this new feature essentially means administrators can schedule for this service to refresh multiple times during the day, ensuring the latest information is always displayed. 

If you would like to enable this feature, please contact our support team and they can assist in setting this up.

Determine file type in Web Forms

This new feature allows Spark users to pick and choose what file types can be uploaded as a form response.

If you would like to enable this feature, please contact our support team and they can assist in setting this up.


  • Resolved: Random script bundling errors.
  • Resolved: Media library upload preview not found error.
  • Resolved: Exclusion of alert type in alert feed caching.
  • Resolved: Default serialisation lengths.
  • Resolved: Search results not showing results for certain result item types.
  • Resolved: Error from clicking view all button in document centre.
  • Resolved: Permission denied error for internal link list when no access to page centre.
  • Resolved: Removal of JavaScript logging for CMS Preview.
  • Resolved: Resolve issue with CMS Preview not working for Workflow Items.
  • Resolved: Facility booking report not grouping item correctly.
  • Resolved: Facility booking report - view all button generating error.
  • Resolved: Facility scheduler styling changes.
  • Resolved: Listing address styling changes.
  • Resolved: Account search incorrectly forcing users to login.
  • Resolved: Employment application export generating exception when downloading application.
  • Resolved: User accounts default for mobile field.
  • Resolved: Content Category drag & drop re-ordering reference fix.
  • Resolved: Duplicate titles for embedded web form questions.
  • Resolved: Member Management admin portal registration fixes
  • Resolved: Spark Manual url update.
  • Resolved: Events Calendar registration changes
  • Resolved: Rebind of export grid after file delete.
  • Resolved: Mapping location information using the wrong parameter in the API

Version 4.1.17433


  • Pound Manager
    • Add ability to show/hide Claim By field.
    • Add module landing page to internal link list.
  • Various WCAG Updates across multiple modules.
  • Included HTML templates into shared editor scripts.


  • Resolved: Postcode not being validated correctly when creating new account.
  • Resolved: Alert items not displaying correctly on refresh of page.
  • Resolved: Certain characters encoded incorrectly for image file names in file manager control.
  • Resolved: Query string not being appended to past meeting type urls.
  • Resolved: Directory listing types not being created when Member Manager is turned on and no subscriptions set.
  • Resolved: Issue affecting trail map types where settings can potentially be null.
  • Resolved: Internal link list shows wrong module name for default media libraries page.
  • Resolved: Road Report items potentially missed if one item is empty.
  • Resolved: CMS Preview not working for certain modules.
  • Resolved: Search not showing matching search items.
  • Resolved: Newsfeed items - Potential load quantity issue when filtering by category

Version 4.1.17310


  • Council Meetings
    • Added meeting time to front end dates.


  • Removal of old project components.

Version 4.1.17283


  • Fire Ratings
    • Setup of control caching.
  • Landing Pages
    • Removal of trailing text for page title.
  • Public Notices
    • Update rendering of attachments on public notice detail page.
  • Static Image Control
    • Ability to specify a default image for pages without placeholder.


  • Updated response header method to deal with duplicate response header keys.
  • Resolved: Document Centre content insert date option not remembering selected option.
  • Resolved: Public notices submission page calling wrong api.

Version 4.1.17177


  • Latest News
    • Ability to have featured news items display on home page of website.
  • Events Calendar
    • Updates to event date format display across multiple days.
    • Various WCAG Improvements for events calendar.
  • Web Forms
    • Ability to delete web form responses.
  • Various WCAG Improvements for menu control rendering.


  • Upgrade of search components.
  • Resolved: Member manager validation issues (admin only).

Version 4.1.17076


  • Staff Profile Manager
    • Add "Ward" & "Term" fields.
  • Search Handler Improvements
    • Updates to error handling
    • Code refactoring
    • Cache setting changes
  • Events Calendar
    • Added ability to customise category headings for introduction content.
  • Public Notices
    • Updates to how public notices deal with categorised content.
      • Wording changes to display of submit button on landing page.
      • Show category name instead of main content for general landing page.
      • Generalisation of successful submission panel content.
      • Automatically hide Notice Type of Submit Page if category provided.


  • Resolved: Removal of Response.Flush methods when serving documents.
  • Resolved: Setup of incorrect user claims for forum users.